Today's date's the thing
Pi Day is irrational
But so delicious
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #BackToHaiku #Winter #March #Spring #Pi #Pie #PiDay #PieDay #Yummy #Irrational #delicious
March 14, 2025
And… here's the π-day pie I ordered at work!
Strawberries are in season in Taiwan right now.
Also, I doubt anybody is going to celebrate π-day at exactly 03-14T03:49:20.527 hours (i.e. 0.15926535898 of the way into the day)!
Personally I'd rather be (and I was) sleeping at that moment than shoving pie down the gullet.
Before you start bleating about how '3.14 is actually Pi Day', that's based on how the US renders dates. We can have our own #PieDay if we want to. #foodhistory #CanadianFoods #tourtiere #sweet #savoury
@GIFS_of_Puppets it was #pieday after all
Pi Day's pie day's here
An irrational day for
A ration of pie
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #BackToHaiku #PiDay #Pi #PieDay #Pie #Math #Mathematics #Geometry #Irrational #IrrationalNumber #Arithmetic
March 14, 2024