@eloveart and I made a song celebrating Pi Day 2025
Pi, pie, gimme some pie...
@eloveart and I made a song celebrating Pi Day 2025
Pi, pie, gimme some pie...
Whenever I manage to make a pie that doesn't gloop out all over the plate I feel like I just won the Bake Off.
Happy Pi Day!
Dinner is served.
Chicken leek and mushroom pie, with my no fail pie crust.
Haven't had a chance to sketch today, but my wife and I did some artistic cooking tonight for #PiDay. A Fisherman pie with the three-eyed fish from the Simpsons!
Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #VendrediLecture
9: #pi
8: #schumer
7: #WindowFriday
6: #impressashowcharacter
5: #FensterFreitag
4: #piday
3: #JukeboxFridayNight
2: #SoundAndVision
1: #totp
Top of the berry pie is latticed and decorated and chilling! All the pie bottoms are chilling in the fridge as well.
Probably going to be a late dinner tonight but that's not the worst thing ever.
That's Numberwang!
@VisualStuart Now I need a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics. #PiDay
Whoopie Pie, Moon Pie, Creme Pie, Snack Pie... I put many things called "pie" that aren't pie into a pie, which makes them pie. I called this unholy concoction the "Is a pie a pie? Pie" - my friend called it "Inception Pie." I was simultaneously delighted and horrified to see it all be eaten up at our #PiDay event.
(Oh, Happy Pi Day! I'm celebrating by trying to get my rPi online lol)
Using a package manager... is kinda more chill than searching online for the program, downloading it, unzipping it, installing it,
dealing with Windows bitching about it being dangerous because its not from the app store, and THEN using the program.
I legit have Linux on the Brain.
Trying to get my Raspberry Pi up and running (PiHole). It needs an IP address via DHCP.
So I'm sitting at my Windows computer, cursing the fact that this tutorial is using Windows 11 with PuTTy. At My Windows Computer.
Then I ask myself... well damn how do I install PuTTy via package manager on Windows?
Listen my brain is having a rough time these past few months. (I've done this before but I forgot.)
Savoury pie filling is cooked and now cooling.
Pie crust is mixed and now chilling.
We are on track for a lovely pi day.