Hey,.... Want a free ebook?
If you're using Google Play Books here's a link to a free book of short stories.
If that doesn't work here is the discount code:
And if none of those options work for you send me a message and I'll hook you up.
Free until end of March.
Syn kazał mi publikować w określone dni tygodnia — bogowie, jaki on jest systematyczny. To nie może być moje dziecko — chyba go w szpitalu podmienili. Chociaż nie, chyba miałam go cały czas przy sobie... Hmmm.
To pierwsza część nowego opowiadania. Tego ze śwungu na sci-fi.
(co ja mam z tymi greckimi bogami?)
Piszę nowe opowiadanie sci-fi. Ale mam śwung na sci-fi. To chyba chęć ucieczki od codzienności. Nagle pojawiły mi sie zakończenia do trzech opowiadań, które były w zawieszeniu od kilku lat. Alleluja!
#pisanie #selfpublishing
#writerscoffeeclub March 10: How do you handle the physical strain of writing?
There’s a physical strain? I must be doing something wrong if I’m not experiencing any strain after more than a decade of #selfpublishing
Then there's my epub formatting gig: I make them clean, as lightweight as possible, and pretty, for all the major ebook distributors. Kindle, draft2digital, you name it. I also do pdf print-ready layout. https://www.fiverr.com/s/Egq4NyY
Somehow while I was editing my old epub gig yesterday it got automatically delisted, no backsies.
I have built a new epubs gig! Please spread the word. I am a pro at epub formatting and if you want your epub for a novel or other chapter book to shine, I'm your person. See my new gig page for the details, and please, hit me up, I love what I do!
#Bücher #Selfpublishing
@bookstodon [a.gup.pe]
Seit meinem letzten Buch vor zwei Jahren habe ich nichts Eigenes geschrieben. Beim Durchgehen verschiedener Neuerscheinungen zur Typografie hatte ich eine Idee: Wie wäre es mit einem Buch "Typografie für Anfänger" mit LibreOffice ?
Die Anleitungsbücher sind für InDesign (Adobe) oder QuarkExpress. Beide sind von amerikanischen Firmen und Adobe außerdem teuer.
Das Buch würde vereinen, was ich kann: Lehren und Bücher machen.
Was ist eure Meinung dazu?
Weil es gerade an anderer Stelle aufkam:
Ich habe einen gratis Ratgeber zum Thema #Selfpublishing erstellt, den könnt ihr hier gratis als PDF (mit 74 Seiten) herunterladen:
Den Ratgeber habe ich 2019 zuletzt überarbeitet. Es ist also möglich, dass einiges veraltet ist, aber das Meiste ist weiterhin aktuell.
Big day for me today. A local bookshop agreed to stock copies of my books!
Also, i just sent off copies of the books to a major bookshop in Dublin for review.
If you don't ask, you'll never know
#selfpublishing #writingcommunity #mastodaoine
I really wish I'd asked this question sooner. Our first book came out in August 2023 and our second in November 2024. I don't know if we are the first authors to mistakenly believe that all of our readers rush out on day one and buy our books, then read them over the course of three nights, but this poll has taken us a bit by surprise.
I’m on my way home from the release party of my bok book Game Development in Rust with Macroquad. It was great, my colleague had prepared a few interview questions, and I signed a bunch of books. It’s too late to open up the online purchases, but I’ll do that tomorrow. I appreciate my company Agical that sponsored the printing and the party.
Editor & cover artist are secured for my MG story, Mission Aboard the Longfin!
It's going to be a busy next few months.
Mission Aboard the Longfin:
-Editing March 16-May 31
-Cover art April 15-May 27
Convergence of Connection:
-Editing feedback due this week (I'll work through that over the next two weeks, then do a read-through)
-Cover art April 18-May 23
TWOTW book four:
*deep breath* Time to put on my project manager hat.
New Iowa Bill Would Revoke Funding for Library Affiliation with the American Library Association
Iowa public libraries may lose access to state funds for being affiliated by the American Library Association under a new anti-library bill floated by state republicans.
@indieauthors [a.gup.pe]
It’s just two more days until the release of my book Game Development in Rust with Macroquad!
If you want to attend the release party at the Agical office in Stockholm there’s still time. Just send an email to book@agical.se to RSVP.
My 15 Favorite Queer Books of All Time
I read about 100 books a year, and most of those are queer. Since I started my book blog The ...
@indieauthors [a.gup.pe]
What will come after book bans? Well, you won't need your professional phantasy for several scenarios.
Fellow authors around the world, maybe you should think of switching from Google Drives, MS One Drives, iCloud etc. and, especially, keep your manuscripts and other important documents safe on an external harddrive or/and a USB-stick. Don't get me wrong. I also hope, we all won't need the backups. I really do. #author #books #WritingCommunity #SelfPublishing #Writing #censorship #bookban
‘The reception of my books is different now’: Author Grace Lin on the reality of book bans and their impact
@indieauthors [a.gup.pe]
I love meeting other indie authors out in the wild!
#selfpublishing #books #bookish #sciencefiction #scifi #author #writersofmastodon #writingcommunity #bookstodon #indieauthor
I feel a new shift in the Force, and am therefore considering changing my #publishing model again. More details after more meditation.
#IndieAuthors #SelfPublishing @norwegianfolktales [a.gup.pe] #NorwegianFolktales #NorwegianLegends #AntiCapitalism