#QuestionOfTheDay what's an objectively bad/mid work of media that has a banger piece of music (or soundtrack) it absolutely does not deserve?
Share the music.
(This can include commercials that have a great song/theme too if you want)
For me what comes to mind is the SNES Star Trek DS9 game that was otherwise a not good generic licensed shovelware game but had a stunningly catchy soundtrack, granted, a lot of the memorable songs were remixes of basically the same track, but what a beat
@ami_angelwings@urusai.social God's Syndrome and Missing Promise from Higurashi Gou/Sotsu
(I've heard somebody say this applies to the OST as a whole but I've never bothered to listen to it)
@ami_angelwings Oooh, interestingly broader. I'll have to consider this a bit more.
My go-to is usually the Kannagi OP, which ends up being one of my favorites, but is NOT a show I feel needs watching.
(dat slap bass)
(It's also just really cute.)
Voogie's Angel also seems extraordinarily mid-sub-mid and yet
Oddly the ED the show had is different than the full version that was on the CD I have, to a larger degree than I think I've heard from any other theme.
@ami_angelwings Let us dig deeper!
Fun facts: possibly the toppest-tier famous Tomino garbage rated both a Shirou Sagisu OST, and an amazing Yoko Kanno one.
Kanno delivers magic to middling Shoji Kawamori, too!
(Kanno delivers magic. She cannot be stopped.)
I suppose it's kind of easy to pick great composers and find a tur...d...
The OP is one of my absolute favorites, and the OST is also great.
OK, let me try to expand past anime.
@ami_angelwings I feel like this demands the 80-est of dreck...
Seriously have you folks ever listened to the full version of the Dynasty theme? Seriously amazing stuff.
The 80-est of synth-pop-rockenstein lives strong in the reptile hindbrain. Appreciation of Crockett and Tubbs does not.
Robotech doesn't count as anime, right?
In truth, very little sits deeper in the hindbrain than this one.
Hey what about a Gummi swivel?
I mean, the song doesn't deserve its own lyrics, let alone the show!
And probably the epitome of that... Thundercats!
How is this theme so badass for having its lyrics and show attack it the whole time?
@ami_angelwings Video games are a bit harder, in large part because there's more synchronicity between "enjoying the game makes you play it more so you hear the music more so you're more likely to listed to the music off to the side" where "bad game" tends to immediately break the cycle.
Maybe just an intro...? Was Ballblazer good? Certainly this is one of the pre-eminent 8-bit music of its era.
It's also not as easy to find and pursue a composer through to other works to find a stinker. But let us try...
This seems like it qualifies. (Sword of Etheria, by the composer of Castlevania: SotN)
Or... ooh! The Order: 1886!
And a kinda hilarious Austin Wintory entry (LSL Reloaded): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmNrOHZZIMk
@cthellis I've noticed a lot of games front load their games with their best and catchiest track as early as possible, especially games that aren't very good, so often you hear their best work right off the bat before you realize how bad the game is
@ami_angelwings OH, OH, OH, O'REILLYYYY!
(I have never driven a car and cannot speak to the reality of them being mid)
@ami_angelwings Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. Terribly mid show with million dollar animation budget and OST arranged by Hiroyuki Sawano and ending theme by Aimer.
@cthellis all the budget went to the music and muscles art
No money left for writing.
@ami_angelwings Oh lordy the number of shows over the years where I’ve said “The OP is best/only good thing about it”… I just can’t remember any examples right now…
@ami_angelwings I couldn't think of something earlier, but then I saw some of the examples, and I think I have a really good one. I'll admit I've never seen this show as it's very much not my sort, but I haven't exactly seen shining reviews.
But that said, Minami kills it as always...
@ami_angelwings Legend of Nazca's OP is a really cool vocal arrangement of Bach's little fugue. The show is the very definition of mid. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VmjfX7p2ivo
@ami_angelwings another is Sorcerer Hunters. It's got a premise that feels madlibbed (pervy guy lusted after by megumi hayashibara character and with a loyal younger brother who looks much older than him, hunt rogue magic users)
But its OP is MASK by Masami Okui and is a certified banger. https://m.soundcloud.com/cheshirexo/maskmasami-okui-kasumi-matsumura?in=ookamipunk/sets/jap