This book will help you know what to do if your uncle is thaumaturgically transformed into a pile of steaming vomit.
This book will help you know what to do if your uncle is thaumaturgically transformed into a pile of steaming vomit.
#News #Vomit #AmericaReich
Starting not be able to stand any news form that insane mad house.
“Oh, that’s a big one’
66 million year old vomit fossils are pretty metal, man
Original Report in Spiegel (German)
Großeinsatz am Frankfurter Flughafen Massenübelkeit an Bord von Condor-Jet aus Mauritius
https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/flughafen-frankfurt-massenuebelkeit-an-bord-von-condor-jet-aus-mauritius-a-93cb1606-64a2-4c90-b9f8-5b62e1c94e42 #aviation #sickness #vomit
Aviation: 70 Vomiting Passengers Turn Frankfurt Flight Into Living Hell. "...a large number of passengers aboard Condor Airlines Flight DE2315 from Mauritius to Frankfurt all appeared to have caught the same stomach bug..." https://jalopnik.com/70-vomiting-passengers-turn-frankfurt-flight-into-livin-1851454612 #vomit #aviation #disease #vomitcomet
Would you rather be able to vomit lasers or be able to sing like Enya?
#CriticalQuestions #Quiz #PubQuiz #Vomit #Laser #Sing #Enya #StayHome #StaySafe #StayHomeStaySafe