There are only so many hours in a day. With work and caregiving responsibilities, are Americans meeting their basic needs for sleep and exercise?
Read our latest Research Highlight:
Когда я записывал первый выпуск @sporadic_podcast [], я думал, что это будет забавный перформанс в стиле "смотрите, я могу сделать подкаст", но больше мне будет нечего сказать.
В итоге же оказалось, что мне и сказать в целом есть что, но и времени на это нет.
Потому что в моём Obsidian у меня накидано с пару десятков тем для выпусков и каких-то фактов в копилку по этим темам.
Но записывать выпуски в жанре "собрались попиздеть" или "поток сознания автора" мне совсем не хочется. Я сам бы такое слушать не стал.
Вот всё и упирается в то, что делать плохо не хочется, а чтобы делать хорошо - надо много работать (кто бы мог подумать!).
Впрочем процесс производства мне нравится - хоть и съедает много сил. Так что я постараюсь это дело не забрасывать.
Good morning.
16 March 2025
I think I'll start going for walks as soon as I wake up in the morning. Maybe it will help me feel more alert when I come here to start writing to you. I'll begin tomorrow. Tomorrow always seems like the perfect time to tackle anything. When tomorrow becomes today, there’s always another tomorrow waiting just beyond. It's funny how time works, isn’t it? Every present moment is but an ephemeral flicker, disappearing before you can fully grasp it, leaving only memories of what once happened around you. Speaking of time, I forgot to mention—you can't do anything yesterday. If you could, it would already be done. Have I managed to confuse you yet? Because I think I’m doing a pretty good job confusing myself!
"Thus, we play the fool with the time and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and mock us." - William Shakespeare
"How did it get so late so soon?" - Dr. Seuss
'While AI models can perform complex tasks such as writing essays and generating art, they have yet to master some skills that humans carry out with ease, researchers say.
An Edinburgh team has shown that state-of-the-art AI models are unable to reliably interpret clock-hand positions or correctly answer questions about dates on calendars. '
(Oh yeah, I'm sure we're going to have AGI Real Soon Now.)
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From: @kimai
Tonight we Spring ahead by one hour.
In six short months, America will fall all the way back to 1939.
A reflection on a cold late winter night.
When I look at my mother these days, I see the smile that once belonged to my grandmother, because my mother is now the same age my grandmother was when I was a child. I also see my grandfather's expressions and walk.
When I look at my father, I see my grandfather's chin and neck, but my grandmother's expression and posture.
When I look in the mirror, I see a bit of all of them, and although time passes, marking my face, graying my beard and hair, and aging my skin, I know it will make me look more and more like them. And this makes the inevitable passage of time feel a little sweeter.
@kingu A Hololive song for theme #Time !
Polka is known for being the whole circus, but sometimes she lets her more melancholic side show.
"Forever glow" - Omaru Polka
i had a hard #time finding a piece of music fitting this #jmusicfriday 's theme.
this is the bes i have i think.
that and hideki naganuma
the one i wanted to put was the 9 hour long retrospective of the 14 years of history of amane oikawa a.k.a. rolling contact, but that would have been waaaay too long
Hi, I'm participating in #JMusicFriday for the first time! The theme is #Time... Here's one from my favorite band.
キミの手を握った 逃げたくなった
#JMusicFriday's theme today is #Time
時の旅人 (Time Traveler) by 上妻 宏光 (Hiromitsu Agatsuma)
Today @kingu gave us a JMusic Friday theme of "Time."
Not to sound like a broken record, since I also posted it earlier this week...but "Magic Clock" by f5ve (pronounced five) was too fitting not to include.
#JIdol #Yurapico #ゆらぴこ #YuraSmile
#JMusicFriday #Time
ゆらぴこ『Beautiful Days』【MUSIC VIDEO 】
I had a bit of trouble thinking of a good song for this #JMusicFriday with a theme of #time so this is the best I can do just off the top of my head I guess:
Well, this one is a relationship thing, but the setting is of a person waiting somewhere for someone as the sun sets and night comes, reflecting on the past.
The actual music for this one is pretty relaxing and pleasant.
For Timezone related reasons, many people get the #JMusicFriday theme a bit late as my morning is their afternoon...
For this reason, I will start posting it on what is my Thursday evening from now on :)
Happy Friday! The theme for today is #time
Post the Japanese song that the concept of time makes you think of.
#Time Magazine's cover from May, 2017. Still relevant.