I've been getting some pretty wild rating gains lately and I'm not sure if the rating formula changed or if I indeed got more cute cracked at Chuni-likes thanks to playing a bunch of Chunithm in Japan last month
I sometimes doubt recommending T3 because it has a fair bit of jank (I mean shit, the UI looks like it was whipped up with basic graphic design principles)
But if you want "Chunithm at home", it has a bunch of free songs and then paid packs if you want to expand from there - basically the "menus have faded pictures of the entrees and the floors are sticky, so you know it's good" of rhythm games:
1328 glass bottles
98 aluminum cans
28 PET bottles
7 burnable waste
0 non-burnable waste
RESISTANCE - A few shitmisses cost me the S rank.
!nterroban(?, - S rank FC sightread on a 13+?! Okay maybe I am gitting gud at this game. Orrr it's just rated too high for a thirteen plus. Probably the latter lmfao
Anyways if you're a smart-tablet weirdo like me and like CHUNITHM-like rhythm games with some jank, go check out TAKUMI3
iOS [apps.apple.com], Android [play.google.com]
Oversleeping? Yeah I do that on the weekdays sometimes, but when it comes to weekends, my body protests against the concept of sleeping more than six hours.