updated so her legs are all connected to the correct body segment.
@futurebird @RoseyPosey Why are there teeth?
There *are* teeth on mandibles. Her mouth and tongue wouldn't be visible from this angle, being behind the mandibles.
@futurebird @RoseyPosey Ah, I didn't realize the "beak" was supposed to be modified mandibles. I figured it was part of the strange ant/bird/monster hybrid thingy just having another bird part.
She must be one of those "living fossils" but I'm excited that an ant from the Haidomyrmex genus with veritical mandibles has survived to this day.
I suppose I could give her wings and make her a young queen. Hmmm.
@futurebird @RoseyPosey I'm just over here focusing on the fact that you made very very sure to give the pigeonant a very prominent stinger.
Well, Haidomyrmex could sting. It's totally innocent and *not* related to day dreaming about pigeon sized hell ants invading the white house or ANYTHING like that. It's just more accurate.
(totally should add those wings. Now she has more options for finding a place to found her nest. )
@futurebird This. Is. 100%. Why. I. Follow. You.
I am totally here for the pigeon ant stories, please do go on about Haidomyrmex.
@futurebird @nazokiyoubinbou @RoseyPosey I know supercolonies actually have a large number of queens, but this is basically how I imagine the hidden overlord ruling them all.