urusai.social is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A friendly and non-toxic English-first Mastodon community for anime, manga, and other otaku subjects.

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@internetarchive @brewsterkahle You people are doing a service to all of humanity. I didn't even realize how much no longer even existed on the Web without the Internet Archive until it went down. So much was lost to time without it. I think a lot of people truly don't realize just how much no longer exists out there anywhere else.

Joe Ortiz

@nazokiyoubinbou @internetarchive @brewsterkahle Indeed, and what a truly sad day it would be if/when the Internet Archive shuts down (you and I know what they're going through not only here now but in the courtrooms as well) so we need to enjoy and appreciate them while we still have them here.