Good morning Fedi Otaku!
Welcome to the AniMarch Madness Sweet Sixteen! We have four polls today and four tomorrow.
Let's keep the momentum going and show everyone how many anime fans are on Mastodon / Fedi!
Today's polls are in the following toots. Make sure to vote here, but also check our blog and other social accounts (see pins) for more opportunities to vote. All votes are compiled to determine which series move on.
Also, please boost each toot to help get more folks involved!
@beneaththetangles @chikorita157 @neatchee @pcas @ljaesch @broximar I am once again asking for your support for our silly little tournament. All the votes we can get help, also help keep folks interested in Fedi - which I really want to see.
Thank you all for all the support. And I apologize if this is getting annoying.