there HAS to be something wrong with my firefox install.
I know Google has put a lot of time and money into making chrome fast but firefox can't be this far behind.
my network engineer roommate suggested it might be the secure DNS. Sure enough, firefox was configured to send all my DNS requests over HTTPS to Transphobia Central, so that was probably slowing it down a tad.
That helped, I think? but it's still slow. There is probably something fucky going on with my network but since this is my laptop I don't have the tools to diagnose it further.
speedtests are fine, but my latency is ridiculous. like I'll click a link on a search and it'll take 5 seconds to start showing the new page
when I can I'll have to carry this thing up to an ethernet port and plug it in there.
wait, fuck, this laptop doesn't even have ethernet! IT IS CLEARLY BROKEN
number of ports on laptops peaked in the early 2000s and it has been a slow downhill slide since then.
I'm still waiting for Apple (and it will be Apple, mark my words) to release a laptop with zero ports.
it's funny how Neal Stephenson's "In the Beginning... Was the Command Line" he talked about how if Apple made cars they'd have sealed hoods. He said that in 1999, before Apple started selling phones they literally glued together
so I google "there is no antimemetics division" and when the results are up, I click the goodreads link.
I hit back, which should take me back to my cached search results, right?
three seconds later, it shows up.
Something is deeply fucked here. I have been on faster 56k connections.
but like, I downloaded some ISOs this morning, they finished in like 10-20 seconds
so my throughput is fine, but something is wrong with page loading. I'm gonna try going to a fresh profile with no extensions and see if it vanishes
Okay yeah a fresh profile loads that page in about 0.5 to 1.5 seconds.
And I fully closed Firefox but task manager is showing 12 instances of firefox.exe.
What the fuck?
Eh, this is windows, not a real OS. I should probably reboot just to be safe.
it has magically fixed itself.
the problem with IT people is that the more they know, the less they think the ritualistic repair steps are needed, because they think they know how computers work.
Wrong! Computers are and have always been black magic. If it doesn't work, turn it off and back on again, and see if that fixes it!
yeah I think Cl*udfl*re has something to do with this. Today and yesterday I've hit sites that do the "just a moment while we verify you're human" interstitial with the checkbox, but when I click it, it spins for 5 seconds, and then reloads the page to the same "verify you're human" page. I can do it repeatedly and get nowhere
@foone there's a privacy setting I used to enable which cpu-renders canvas elements to prevent fingerprinting. it hurt my performance really hard, as well as being the primary thing that started tripping captchas for me. so could be related to hardware acceleration / privacy settings.
@xyhhx @dean @foone There's a single deterministic computation producing the data to read back independent of what hardware you're running on.
In principle you should be able to make GPU rendering deterministic/bit-exact, but there are so many layers for stuff to go wrong at and in practice it's always fingerprinting.
@dalias this sounds like jshelters approach where, instead of disabling native apis, they stub them to give false but close-enough responses. also, i think¹ firefox's resistFingerprinting is trying to do exactly that, by returning something that is similar to anybody else who also has that setting enabled
¹ i am not at all sure about this