#QuestionOfTheDay what's your comfort media thing when you're stressed or scared or need distraction? Like a show or episode of a show or book or chapter of a book or movie, music, game, comic, anime, manga, YouTube video, whatever
@ami_angelwings Stargate SG-1 is my favorite brain fluff
@neatchee @ami_angelwings Oh I really need to get back into that one. It just felt so... 90s when I started rewatching recently. It was harder to get into it now than it was back then for me if that makes any sense. Still, really good show.
@nazokiyoubinbou @ami_angelwings the first season especially doesn't hold up very well. Around season 3 it starts to feel better, though still decidedly 90s
@neatchee @ami_angelwings Yeah. I know I need to hang in there more.
It was also just such a long series. It went so far in its time, even losing most of the main characters as it went. And getting all sorts of [spoilers] things.
@ami_angelwings An audiobook on my phone or a book that I have on various tables around my house, much to the chagrin of my wife
@ami_angelwings I am a recent convert to Kori King’s YouTube videos. (Drag queen from S17 RPDR. She is irrepressibly buoyant and hilarious.)
@ami_angelwings Always music, but specifically any of Park Hye Kyung's first 6 albums. Always help me relax whenever I need it.
@ami_angelwings I didn't have one but just the other day I had a fairly hard anxiety attack in the middle of the night and, for some reason, I instinctively decided to play the theme of the first pokemon gold town in loop (my first pokemon game). Somehow, that silly 8bit music singlehandedly managed to calm me down and fell asleep.
Super fricking specific, but it worked so I'm calling that home now
@ami_angelwings Show: When Calls The Heart, Anne With an E, Moana, Enola Holms. Reading; Cozy Mysteries
@ami_angelwings Probably playing Super Nintendo. Recently on tap: Super Mario World for the 100th time and F-Zero :D!
@ami_angelwings Studio Ghibli
@ami_angelwings Murderbot, The Good Place, GBBO
@ami_angelwings I think my comfort TV show has to be Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I've seen it all at least twice now, and Andre Braugher (RIP) never fails to delight.
In terms of Anime though, it's gotta be either Barakamon (if I'm going through a long enough rough patch that I can watch a whole series), or basically any Yuru Camp (if I just need an odd episode).
@ami_angelwings George of the Jungle is a movie that still makes me laugh basically no matter what when I watch it. It's the best way to feel a bit better after a tough day.
@ami_angelwings Stardew Valley
@ami_angelwings TV show? Probably The Office, it's easy noise in the background and fun.
Manga? I go back to Donald Duck Goes to Japan and bring it every single year to vacation. It's a nice, chill manga. Also, My Father is a Unicorn. Manga that's just so silly and chill that I sometimes jump into after reading something heavier.
@ami_angelwings For me it's absolutely games and music. If I'm really upset, listening to really dark music for some reason actually seems to make me feel better. I can't even guess why. Ironically, when it comes to games though, I don't like it to be too dark (at least story-wise) for comfort stuff,) but my biggest comfort is usually building/survival sims these days. Dig/build out a nice safe base nothing can get to and just relax while processing resources or whatever. For anything story-wise I kind of want something more of a "you know the good guys are going to win in the end and won't turn into bad guys to do it" kind of story.
@ami_angelwings any OP demon lord harem anime will suffice. or konosuba.
@ami_angelwings In the last few months, it's been clips from the Game Grumps playthrough of Supermarket Simulator. There's something about the semi-mindlessness of the game that makes them say the weirdest things non-stop, and I think they're at their funniest when they're doing that.
@ami_angelwings that "Neko Atsume Live Action" on YouTube that's just 16 hours of cat streaming
@ami_angelwings 'Stressed or scared or needing distraction' describes how I am for most of my existence anyway, so I guess it's either 'media in general' or 'nothing' depending on your perspective.
@ami_angelwings when I need to listen to something calming, any Cigarettes After Sex album