#QuestionOfTheDay what's a counterintuitive take you have on something you're interested in?
@ami_angelwings Tokenism characters for secondary gain in terms of social capital for the makers did far more harm to us than when we were just ignored.
I'm less bothered by tokenism of real hires. Not good, but hey their diversity prop gets paid.
@BigShellEvent often it's not well thought out either, there's SO MANY non-white villains and Imperials in Star Wars now, or like when all the secondary characters get cast as PoC so when you start killing people off its just PoC (see: Galactica, Battlestar, 2004)
@ami_angelwings YUP. It's usually a weird mixture of whitegazing and dehumanising. I didn't realise how common it was until I watched The Squid Game on Netflix, and it's the first time in a western platform where I didn't feel the whitegaze at all. Which is the strongest feel I got from that series