I’m playing #YuGiOhDuelLinks and trying to collect all the game mats for which you need to summon the monster 100 times.
Right now I’m trying to do that with Black-Winged Dragon and forever wonder why effects of other monsters in my deck don’t work the way I expect — until I realize they only apply to ”Blackwing” monsters. ”Black-Winged” Dragon is not a “Blackwing” monster, duh
@yellowjitsch It's so weird how it sometimes works with Yu-Gi-Oh. I was also irritated when I started playing Shaddolls, because I wasn't sure if a Reeshaddoll counts as Shaddoll for fusions
@To I think those haven’t appeared in Duel Links so I’m not sure either
But there’s cards that apply to “tellarnight” monsters and I first thought that’s a typo but it’s saying that it applies to Stellarknight, Satellarknight and Darktellarknight monsters
@yellowjitsch That's also a great example and archetypes I would never play voluntarily I'm also more into Master Duel, even if I'm angry with the TCG more times than I enjoy it. Sadly, Shaddolls were not meta-relevant for years, but I'll still play them because they're my favorite archetype. They also work well with Dogmatika and Invoked, which are also some of my favorites. Especially the artwork of Shaddoll and Dogmatika is