Since I'm close to done with my rough draft, I think I'm ready to talk about my next big/fun writing project that I've been working on and hope to have done by this summer.
I've been re-watching the entirety of Red Dwarf from Series 1 to series 13 (the movie). My plan is to create my own definitive ranking list of every single episode from worst (least funny/entertaining) to best.
I already have a rough draft ranking (which is 10+ pages long) done.
I'm up to series 6 in my rewatch and have found a couple of episodes which will change rankings after I start work on my final draft.
Why am I doing this? Absolutely no reason other than it sounded fun. Are my rankings better/worse than anyone else's? Absolutely not.
The plan is to publish the rankings as a series of listicles on my Patreon this summer (maybe late spring if I really push myself) and then turn the entire feature series into a longform YouTube video after the final installment publishes.
Hope y'all will look forward to this!