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nixCraft 🐧

Me trying to enter the BIOS.


@nixCraft It's funny that you only have to hit the key one single time. No more. But you never know the exact right moment, so all you can do is just keep hitting it. Worse, who can remember WHICH key? It's delete on most but not all! F2 on many for example. Escape on a few... Sometimes I spam all three, lol. And now that GPUs take longer to initialize the display, on some setups you can't see what you're doing until it's too late...

Some BIOSes switch to a "entering bios..." message when you press the correct key. I wish they all did.

Rob Hooft

@nazokiyoubinbou @nixCraft I remember the bios pausing for you, saying “Press F2 to enter setup” I think it even came with a countdown….

@rwwh @nixCraft That's when they have an option to pause, but it's off by default. You have to get in there once to turn it on.

Rob Hooft

@nazokiyoubinbou @nixCraft 30 years ago it may have been on by default.


@rwwh @nixCraft It's not impossible, but I've never seen a BIOS where it was on by default, though it used to be a lot more common to have a boot delay setting (some HDs took a long time to spin up!)