@bluecaller I guess I really need to play this one huh? Seems like it must have been really good.
I always felt a bit guilty I didn't play more of the Phantasy Star series.
@nazokiyoubinbou each entry is kind of its own experience. But the 4th one for sure will not disappoint.
@bluecaller Yeah, the weirdly sort of fantasy yet not scifi themes sort of didn't vibe with me when I was younger, but now maybe I'll feel differently. (Especially after getting into some PSU/PSO games in more recent times.)
I think I'd probably like them if I can find the time and energy to really get into them. I almost wonder if I should just go out of order and play 4 next. (It seems like order doesn't matter much anyway.)
@nazokiyoubinbou ya playing a little of the first two might help set the scene. But they are hard to complete without lots of patience.
@bluecaller I've played a decent bit of the second one, but could never seem to bring myself to complete it. It's hard to fight that urge in myself to require myself to beat it before I play another. (I didn't used to have this so bad I swear.)