It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! Today's mood is "overloaded" b/c I am feeling overloaded atm so you must all be too (sorry).
Post a song/songs that you think fit "overloaded", it can be about feeling overloaded or it can be literally about overloading or a song that sounds overloaded or has an overloaded cast or makes you feel overloaded listening to it, whatever you want.
There are no wrong answers!
Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "overloaded".
@ami_angelwings The song “The Day That The World Breaks Down” by Dutch “metal opera” supergroup Ayreon comes to my mind.
Twelve different singers, in twelve minutes of a proggy Symphonic Power Metal “overloaded” spectacle.
Here’s a live performance:
@ami_angelwings oops missed this until bedtime!
For my "overloaded" #CanCon #moodmusicmonday I'll pick a laid back song about withdrawing from overload.
Dan Mangan - Lay Low