"The world's future operating system," is it? You're a game company. #AI #bragging #spatialcomputing
"The world's future operating system," is it? You're a game company. #AI #bragging #spatialcomputing
If you see me bragging about something that is pretty small and inconsequential please don’t feel jealous; it’s probably the only awesome thing I did or experienced that day.
'I Just #ThrewUp' a bit
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump #Slammed After #Bragging About His '#Beautiful #Body' at #Pennsylvania #Rally.
#MarkRobinson — the #Republican #governor #candidate in #NorthCarolina — who called himself a "#Black #Nazi," makes a mockery of Black #conservatives
With #WhiteSupremacist #DonaldTrump #bragging about his increasing #support from #Black #voters, there is a media spotlight on Black #rightwingers.
Good evening
MDMRN Twin 1's team won her indoor soccer game tonight 5-4 against a team they had a lot of difficulty with during the fall outdoor soccer season.
I am proud of these kids.
That is all.
Tags: #Parenting #Bragging