It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! In honour of the worst February I've ever experienced in my life, today's mood is "dreary".
Post a song/songs that you think fit "dreary". It can be about dreariness, sound dreary, be done during a dreary part of a band/singer's career, or you can go the opposite and it can be something that snaps you out of being dreary!
There are no wrong answers!
Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "dreary".
also f- this February, I hate it so much ;-;
@ami_angelwings Radiohead "We Suck Young Blood"
#MoodMusicMonday dreary
Need It - Half Moon Run
In my opinion, "dreary" fits for half the album, so it was hard to choose one! Also, apparently a song recommended by VintageBeef, so that's...something
#MoodMusicMonday (dreary mood)
@ami_angelwings bonus answer: Long Black Train by Richard Hawley. Found it through the V for Vendetta movie, and it really does have that "sit in the eye of the storm" feeling.
#MoodMusicMonday, dreary prompt
@ami_angelwings for my #CanCon #moodmusicmonday about "dreary", I'll very aptly go with The North by Stars.
It's so cold in this country
October to May
Good luck bad luck survival
Sleep is my friend and my rival
"Dreary" - Willem Dafoe reading The Raven in the Lou Reed concept album